How to remove parasites from the body - proven methods of cleaning

how to remove parasites from the human body

Parasites represent the largest population of living organisms on earth. There are so many varieties that even modern science finds it difficult to determine their exact number. People have very different attitudes towards them. Some believe that everything is balanced in nature and that these creatures have the right to life. Others, mostly parasitologists, treat them as the name suggests - as pests that live on and feed on someone else's organism.

The vital activity of parasites, be it helminths, microscopic organisms or insect larvae living in the human body, leads to damage to the internal organs. Over time, they cease to function normally and the parasitic invasion spreads throughout the body, often resulting in a person's death. Therefore, most of the experts consider the problem of cleansing the body to be urgent.

Symptoms of a parasitic invasion

Parasites in the human body may not manifest themselves for a long time, but under favorable conditions they begin to multiply quickly and adversely affect the health of those infected. A person suffers not only from the helminths themselves, but also from the toxins they release as a waste product.

It is quite difficult to determine the presence of helminths or other parasites in your body on your own. Therefore, diagnoses should be made by a doctor based on blood, feces, and urine tests and other studies. However, you can suspect a parasitic invasion based on the following signs:

  • unreasonable irritability;
  • indigestion;
  • decreased appetite;
  • severe tiredness;
  • anemia.

The symptoms are not specific, they are common with many other diseases. However, if they are all pronounced and a person was in potentially dangerous situations before they occurred (a trip to tropical countries, contact with homeless animals, drinking water from unverified sources), the risk of parasitic infestation is very high. Therefore, when several of the listed factors coincide, it is recommended that you consult a doctor and examine for the presence of parasites.

Medical cleansing of the body from parasites

The medication can only be started after receiving the test results and examining the patient's medical history.

Due to the fact that most antiparasitic drugs have toxic effects on the liver and kidneys, they should only be used under medical supervision. It is also necessary to choose drugs with medical help, taking into account the type of parasite and the general condition of the infected. What is good for removing helminths in one case may be useless in another.

The principle of action of antiparasitic drugs

The pharmacological effect of drugs on parasitic worms is directed to biochemical processes in their tissues and their biological structures. As a rule, most of them have a nerve effect, which is expressed in several ways:

  1. By blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle cells of helminths, they develop a state of permanent paralysis. In this state, helminths are excreted from the body along with the feces.
  2. Impaired absorption of glucose in the cells of the parasite, which leads to its death.
  3. Disruption of the activity of the intestinal tract from parasites.

There are drugs with a combined effect that disrupt bioprocesses in helminth cells and paralyze them.

How to properly cleanse the body of worms

Using anthelmintics for other purposes (e. g. , to get rid of another type of worm or for prevention) or failure to comply with dosages can lead to serious complications.

  1. If you try to get rid of the worms with insufficiently effective doses, the worms do not leave the body, but migrate through it, infecting other organs that have not previously been touched by them and complicating the patient's condition.
  2. Cleansing parasites with insufficient doses of anthelmintic drugs can give a false impression of the effect (if the medicinal effect acts only on the laying of helminth eggs, the tests show a negative result), but the parasitic activity does not stop.
  3. An overdose can increase the toxicity of the anthelmintics, and the person will have additional liver or kidney problems if they take them.

Before starting to cleanse the body from parasites, you should undergo a thorough examination and choose the most appropriate drugs.

Anti-parasitic cleaning with medication

Medicines to cleanse the body from parasites

When a person learns about the presence of parasites in their body, they usually go into shock and try to learn how to get the worms out of the body as quickly as possible. But you need to hurry only with one thing: immediately consult a doctor, undergo an additional examination to clarify the nature of the helminthiasis and choose the appropriate treatment regimen.

The fight against ascariasis, enterobiasis (pinworms) and other helminthiasis from roundworms requires the use of certain drugs that are prescribed by a specialist.

Treatment of enterobiasis

The fight against pinworms, an infection called enterobiasis, requires special attention.

These parasites can crawl out of the anus at night and release microscopic eggs in large quantities outside the human body.

This is how your eggs can get onto the underwear and hands of a sleeping person when they involuntarily scratch, especially under the nails. And then they can spread all over the house, settling down with dust on upholstered furniture, curtains, walls, door handles and children's toys. They maintain their viability for several years and can cause infections in large numbers of people. Therefore, special precautions must be taken in the house where the person infected with pinworms lives:

  • An anti-parasitic cleansing of the body should be carried out for all family members and people in the immediate vicinity.
  • The house must be thoroughly wet cleaned every day. First you need to use a vacuum cleaner to collect dust from floors and furniture, and then wash the floor with laundry soap (it is more effective at cleaning worms than household chemicals, which even contain chlorine).
  • Wash your hands with detergent after cleaning.
  • Underwear and bed linen should be washed and ironed with water as hot as possible.
  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating.
  • Cut children's nails short and put them in tight-fitting panties or pajamas that need to be washed every day.

Cleansing the body from parasites at home

Often times, people infected with helminths are interested in the question of whether it is possible to quickly get rid of parasites at home, and how to remove parasites from the human body at home.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the action of numerous folk remedies that promise quick elimination of parasites has not been scientifically researched by anyone, although many medicines that ensure the elimination of parasites use natural ingredients - medicinal plants.

The suggested recipes for decoctions or herbal teas may contain insufficient or excessive amounts of the active ingredient. Therefore, using it alone is extremely unsafe and can lead to the complications described above. Medical advice is needed to determine the dosage and duration of such treatment.

How to cleanse the body - treatment principles

A complete anthelmintic cleansing of the body should be based on the following principles:

  1. Destroy helminths with an antihelminthic.
  2. Remove dead or paralyzed parasites from the colon with laxatives or a cleansing enema.
  3. To avoid allergic manifestations, antihistamines should be taken during cleaning.
  4. In severe cases, accompanied by damage to the internal organs, restorative therapy is necessary (e. g. taking hepatoprotectors against liver damage). It is also necessary to cleanse yourself of toxins and toxins that result from the activity of parasites.
  5. In order to normalize the functions of the entire body, a complete and balanced diet is necessary, excluding foods that damage the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

The most popular ways to get rid of parasites

Before an anti-parasitic cleansing of the body, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor about contraindications. In addition, patients often have an individual intolerance to certain folk remedies.

  1. Many people consider the simplest, but most effective, way to use spicy foods - garlic, onions, mustard, pepper. Despite the apparent plausibility of this method, cleaning with this method is dangerous - burning food in large quantities can damage the intestinal mucosa.
  2. There is a version about the benefits of dry fasting - supposedly without food, worms literally leave the body on the third or fifth day. But this is a wrong opinion: for example, tapeworms can live for months without food from the outside and be content with fragments of their own body. For their viability, it is sufficient that the head and neck survive, and the rest of the body can be "eaten" and rebuilt. Are not sensitive to starvation and parasites that live in a person's blood, eyes, brain and spinal cord, genitourinary system, heart, or cause cysts in these organs.
  3. Soda or hydrogen peroxide cleaning, actively promoted as a technique by a famous professor, is one of the few methods that deserve attention but is subject to medical observation for the patient's well-being. Both methods involve gradually increasing the dosage from the minimum starting doses to the maximum allowable: soda - from the tip of a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide - in 1 drop of a 3% solution diluted in 50 ml of mineral or distilled water, up to 30Drops daily for 3 weeks. However, the course must be prescribed by the attending physician. The technique is ineffective against eggs and larvae of parasites, as well as some species of adults.

In order to get rid of the problem quickly, you should not risk resorting to extreme methods of cleaning and look for ways in which you can destroy unwanted guests in the body. Such zeal can lead to the destruction not only of helminths, but also internal organs, which are not designed for forced therapy with tansy, wormwood and other medicinal herbs.

Proponents of natural treatment can consult a doctor on how to get rid of parasites with natural pharmaceutical preparations that have been cleaned of toxic impurities.